Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Alexander VII 
From the Constitution “Ad sacram beati Petri Sedem,” Oct. 16, 1656
The Sense of Jansenius

Source: Denzinger The Sources of Catholic Dogma 1957
Dz. 1098

We declare and define that these five propositions have been taken from the book of the aforementioned Cornelius Jansen, Bishop of Ypres, entitled Augustinus, and in the sense understood by that same Cornelius condemned.


Alexander VII
From the Constitution, “Regiminis apostolicis,” Feb. 15, 1665
Formulary of Submission Proposed for the Jansenists

Source: Denzinger The Sources of Catholic Dogma 1957
Dz. 1099

“I, N., submit to the apostolic Constitution of Innocent X, dated May 31, 1653, and to the Constitution of Alexander VII, dated October 16, 1656, Supreme Pontiffs, and I reject and condemn with a sincere heart, just as the Apostolic See has condemned them by the said Constitutions, the five propositions taken from the book of Cornelius Jansen, entitled Augustinus, and in the sense understood by that same author, and so I swear: So help me God, and this holy gospel of God.”


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