Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Breviary Tutorial

Finding the right elements for the right office
based on the kind and class of the day.


Note: page and volume numbers relate to the Liturgical Press, The Hours of the Divine Office in English and Latin

    Commemoration: the observance of a lesser office during the celebration of one of a higher class. Usually restricted to the addition of the antiphon and collect of the lesser to that of the higher (at Lauds and at Mass, and sometimes at Vespers.

    Common of Saints: the section (pages 656-1049) which furnishes elements for the offices of saints, organized by category; apostles, martyrs, bishops, confessors, virgins, holy women, dedication of churches, feasts and Saturdays of the Blessed Virgin, and offices of the dead.

    Feast day (feasts): a day on which the calendar calls for the observance of a celebration of our Lord, our Lady, one of the Angels or Saints, or the dedication of a church.

    Feria (Ferial): a day of the week when no feast is celebrated. It may take elements from the previous Sunday or be assigned elements in the Proper of Time. If it is a vigil of a feast, it may take elements from the Proper of Saints.

    Homily on the Gospel: on Sundays (other than feasts) the third lesson at Matins is a commentary on the day's Gospel. These are usually found in the Proper of Time, but in Volume 3 they are found on pages 1333-1370, together with the antiphons for Second Vespers and Lauds.

    Hour(s): the parts of the office prayed throughout the day; Matins  (night), Lauds (sunrise), Prime (6 am), Terce (9am), Sext (noon), None (3pm), Vespers (before supper), Compline (before bedtime). Sundays and first class feasts have First Vespers, recited before supper the evening before. The times are all approximate; Matins may be prayed at a convenient time the evening before.

    Marian hymn: Compline is concluded with a Marian hymn and collect, both of which vary with the season. These may be found in the Ordinary (pages 110-113) and are printed in the rear fly leaf.

    Ordinary: the basic "structure" for each of the hours (pages 73-176). The Ordinary contains some parts that change with the season (114-176); these are really part of (and are sometimes duplicated in) the Proper of Time.

    Proper of Saints: the section following the Proper of Time that furnishes elements for feast days, together with instructions for finding additional elements in the Common of Saints.

    Proper of Time (Proper of the Season): the section (pages 1050-??) which furnishes elements for Sunday and Ferial offices dependent on the season of the year or week of the month. It contains the "occurring scripture" readings read at Matins for Sunday and Ferial offices and even on 3rd class feasts of saints

    Psalter: the 150 psalms arranged by hour for each day of the week. The Psalter also contains little chapters, hymns, and antiphons for the Sunday and Ferial offices; these elements may be replaced with elements from the Propers or Commons.

    Seasonal lesson: at Prime there is a lesson that depends on the season of the year, even on feasts of the saints.

    Sunday: the first day of the week, which always has its proper office unless outranked by a more important first or second class feast.

Decision Table

 According to the Calendar, is today a feast of our Lord,
 our Lady, one of the Angels or Saints,
or the dedication of a church?

----> No. Go to * below ---->


In all cases, examine the Proper of Saints for instructions. It will provide some elements of the office and refer you to the appropriate Common for some of the others. Some elements will come from the Psalter and from the Proper of Time. Unless the Proper of Saints directs otherwise, the elements are chosen based on the rank of the feast as below.



    At Matins: invitatory and hymn from Proper of Saints or Common of Saints; antiphons, psalms, and verse from the Psalter for the current weekday; first and second (combined with third) lessons from the current day in the Proper of Time; third lesson from the Proper of Saints.

    At Lauds and Vespers: antiphons and psalms as in the Psalter for the current day of the week; all else from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints.

At Prime and Compline: all from the Psalter for the current weekday. Prime has a short lesson, chosen according to the season. The Marian hymn and prayer at the end of Compline are also seasonal.

    At Terce, Sext, and None: antiphons and psalms from the Psalter for the current weekday; all else from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints.



    At Matins, Lauds, and Vespers: all as given below under "First Class Feasts."

    At Prime: all from the Psalter for the current weekday, the short lesson is chosen according to the season.

     At Terce, Sext, and None: antiphons and psalms from the Psalter for the current weekday; all else from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints.

    At Compline: as in the Psalter for Sunday. The Marian hymn and prayer at the end of Compline are seasonal.



    At First Vespers: all from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints.

    At Compline: as in the Psalter for Sunday. The Marian hymn and prayer at the end of Compline are seasonal.

    At Matins: all from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints.

    At Lauds: all from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints but with the Psalms of Sunday from the Psalter (scheme I).

    At Prime: first antiphon of Lauds said with Psalms 53, 118a, and 118b as found in the Psalter for Sunday; seasonal lesson.

    At Terce, Sext, and None: second, third, or fifth antiphon from Lauds said with the psalms of the Sunday Psalter; all else from the Proper of Saints or Common of Saints.

    At Compline: as in the Psalter for Sunday. The Marian hymn and prayer at the end of Compline are seasonal.



In all cases not covered above, examine the Proper of Time for instructions. It will provide some elements of the office. The remainder are taken from the Psalter for the day of the week.



At First Vespers: all from the Psalter for Saturday, except for what is given in the Proper of Time.

At Compline following First Vespers: all from the Psalter for Saturday; seasonal Marian hymn and prayer.

At Matins: all from the Psalter for Sunday; except first and second lessons from the Proper of Time; third lesson from the homily on the Gospel of the day (in Volume III, pp.1333-1370 this is in a section separate from the "weeks of the months"); the hymn "Te Deum" is omitted during Advent, Septuagesima, Lent, and Passiontide.

At Lauds: antiphons from the Proper of Time or the Psalter; psalms of Sunday (from scheme II during Septuagesima, Lent, and Passiontide); all else from the Proper of Time or from the Psalter.

At Prime: antiphon from the Proper of Time or the Psalter; all else as in the Psalter; seasonal lesson.

At Terce, Sext, and None: as in the Psalter unless something is given in the Proper of Time.

At Second Vespers: antiphons from the Proper of Time or the Psalter; psalms of the Psalter; all else from the Proper of Time or from the Psalter.

At Compline following Second Vespers: Sunday Compline from the Psalter; seasonal Marian hymn and prayer.



The Ferial office is the weekday office, celebrated when no saint's feast occurs, or when the weekday within a season is of higher rank than the saint's day (e.g. most weekdays of Lent or Passiontide). Vigils (except Easter and Christmas) take the form of a ferial office, but may have proper parts in the Proper of Saints or Proper of Time.

At Matins: all as in the Psalter for the current weekday; lessons and collect from the Proper of Time or Proper of Saints.

At Lauds and Vespers: All from the Psalter for the current weekday; collect and (antiphons if they are given) from the Proper of Time for the weekday or preceding Sunday.

At Prime: all as in the Psalter; seasonal lesson.

At Terce, Sext, and None: as in the Psalter unless something is given in the Proper of Time.


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