Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Explanations of the Gospels for the Hour of Matins









Matthew 5:20-24—Saint Augustine


Matthew 6:24-33—Saint Augustine


Matthew 7:15-21—Saint Hilary of Poiters


Matthew 9:1-8 Chrysologus

Matthew 21:1-9—Saint Ambrose

Matthew 18:23-35_Jerone

Matthew 22-34-46—Saint John Chrysostom

Matthew_28:18-20_Saint Gregory Nazianzen


Mark 7:31-37Pope Saint Gregory the Great


Mark 8:1-9—Saint Ambrose


Mark 16:14-20—Pope Saint Gregory the Great


Mark 16:14-20—Pope Saint Gregory the Great II


Mark 16:14-20—Pope Saint Gregory the Great III


Luke 3:21-23—Saint Ambrose I


Luke 3:21-23—Saint Ambrose II


Luke 3:211-23Augustine I


Luke 3:21-23—Saint Augustine II

Luke 3:21-23—Saint Augustine III


Luke 3:21-23—Saint Augustine IV


Luke 3:21-23—Saint John Damascene


Luke 4:38-44—Saint Ambrose


Luke 5:1-11—Saint Ambrose

Luke 5:17-26—Saint Ambrose


Luke 6:36-42—Saint Augustine


Luke 7:11-16—Saint Augustine


Luke 7:36-50—Saint Gregory the Great XXXIII


Luke 9:1-6—Saint Ambrose


Luke 10:23-37—Bede


Luke 11:5-13—Saint Ambrose


Luke 11:27-28—Venerable Bede


Luke 14:1-11—Saint Ambrose

Luke_14:16-24—Saint Gregory_the_Great_XXXVI


Luke 15:1-5—Saint Gregory the Great


Luke 16:1-9—Saint Jerome


Luke 17:11-19—Saint Augustine


Luke 18:9-14—Saint Augustine


Luke 19:41-47—Saint Gregory the Great


John 3:16-21—Saint Ausustine

John 4:46-53—Pope Saint Gregory the Great

John 6:44-52—Saint Augustine


John_6:56-59—Saint Augustine_Tract_XXVI


John_6:56-59—Saint Augustine_Tract XXVI_middle


John_6:56-59—Saint Augustine_Tract_27


John_6:56-59_Augustine_Tract 27B


John_6:56-59—Saint Hilary of Poitiers


John_6:56-59—Saint Cyril of Alexandria


John 7:1-13—Saint Augustine


John 7:32-39—Saint Augustine


John 8:46-59—Saint Gregory the Great


John 10:1-10—Saint Augustine


John 10:22-38—Saint Augustine


John 11:47-54—Saint Augustine


John 12:1-9—Saint Augustine


John 12:10-36——Saint Augustine


John_14:15-21—Saint Augustine


John_14:23-31—Saint Gregory the Great


John_15:26-27;_16:1-4—Saint Augustine


John 16:23-30Saint Augustine


John 17:1-11—Saint Augustine


John 19:25-27—Saint Augustine


John_19:31-37—Saint Bonaventure


John_19:31-37—Saint John Chrysostom






Dei via est íntegra

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