Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Blessing “ad Omnia.”
When no other blessing is prescribed in the Ritual

[P] Our help + is in the name of the Lord.
[C] Who hath made heaven and earth.
[P] The Lord be with you.
[C] And with thy spirit.
[P] Let us pray.

O God, by whose word all things are made holy, pour down Thy blessing + on this [these] which Thou hast created. Grant that whoever, giving thanks to Thee, and making use of it [them] according to Thy will and law, may, by calling upon Thy holy name, receive through Thine aid, health of body and protection of soul. Through Christ our Lord.

[C] Amen.

The blessed objects are sprinkled with holy water.


Dei via est íntegra
Our Lady of the Rosary, 144 North Federal Highway (US#1), Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441  954+428-2428
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