Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Advent Pastoral, 2005

Dearly Beloved in Christ:          

            We have just experienced a year of unparalleled natural disasters, not only in this country, but throughout the entire world.  Hurricanes, the likes of which no nation has ever seen in modern times, earthquakes, typhoons, tornadoes, the number of which is also unparalleled, nature’s horrendous fires, and a tsunami, the toll of which is still uncalculated.  What does it all mean?  Is it merely “mother nature’s” cycle of cleansing the earth and revitalizing herself?  Perhaps!  Yet there are those of us who do feel Almighty God is trying to tell us something. 

            How often do we wish, individually and collectively, that God would intercede in our lives to bring about those remedies and changes that we so often seek?  In a world of faith, of course, we would refer to such intercessions as miracles.  But our ever increasingly secularist society frowns on such phenomena.  All can be explained scientifically.  Perhaps!  Science has an answer for everything. Has it not?

            Of course that may well bring us to that on-going debate in the media and in our nation’s courts now concerning evolution versus “intelligent design.”  Even one Vatican elitist “priest” joins the opposition in saying, “God has no place in science.  He belongs in theology classes and similar studies.”  That priest ought to be defrocked by Pope Benedict XVI.  When the debate concerns the very origin of man and the universe, we are obviously dealing with the First Cause, Whom we of the Judeo-Christian culture call Yahweh/God.  “Quidquid causatur ab abiit causatur: that which is caused is caused by and uncaused Cause,” says Saint Thomas.  Now, any intelligent, well-educated Catholic, who has received a Catholic education, has certainly studied theistic evolution – that’s what we called it before we attempted to appease the atheistic evolutionists!  God, we learned, put all things in motion to bring about the changes or the evolution, which are everywhere apparent. 

            To get back to the natural disasters that wreaked havoc on our whole world during the past year:  The outpouring of aid, especially from this country was overwhelming.  Generosity, almost to a fault!  Why, even Our Lady of Good Hope Church, small as it is, provided a lump sum donation for hurricane relief equaling that of one township with the combined efforts of four churches.  Americans may pat themselves on the back.  Their unexcelled charity the world over is magnificent.  We can all be proud.  Proud to be Americans, proud of our heritage!

            How amazing that we come together with a display of unity and magnanimity that outranks any nation in history in our care and concern for those who have met great tragedy.  There appears to be no limit to our ability to pull together in doing what is right for others.

            But what about our charity – genuine love – toward the Giver of all gifts, the Author of charity Himself?  Where do we stand with Him?  Him Whose birth we will shortly be singing again!  Why, are we not adamant in DEMANDING that Jesus Christ’s birthday be respected as we Christians have in previous times.  No, we knuckle under.  We are obsessed with not wanting to hurt the feelings of those new residents who have come to our land and demand that we do it their way.  Indeed, we join the pathetic excuse for a priest such as we have mentioned above, who does not know the difference between God and a moron!  Do not offend!  Well, it is time we Christians recognized that We are offended by the iconoclasts everywhere, who demand, demand, demand, and give back nothing in return.  Come to America, be Americans, but we will do it in our own hedonistic, God-less way!

            We have just celebrated Thanksgiving.  Whom were we thanking?  The United Nations, the United States Congress, the Supreme Court, the Council of Churches?  I believe that unique American holiday was established so that we – we Americans, Jews, Catholics and other Christians, Muslims and the wide wealth of other believing sects that have come to our Land seeking the American way of life, to give thanks to GOD.  Let us say it:  GOD.  It is still legal to use His divine name.  But it is becoming less so each day in this country.  Say it, and say MERRY CHRISTMAS, NOT “happy holidays.” Mean it with all our hearts. He is our God to Whom we must render praise, love and our BELIEF.  And it is time we arched our backs against all those who would dare to make it otherwise.

            With every good wish and prayerful blessing, I am devotedly yours in Christ,

+  John J. Humphreys
The Most Reverend John J. Humphreys, Archbishop


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